Welcome to Danny Lane Enterprises. Below you will find links to many services.
In the shopping mall where you will find his twenty-nine training videos, the new patented “UKE” training device, five published books, memberships to the World Martial Arts Federation, Police Tactics Instructors of America and investigative services for Lane Investigations LLC.
Go to the Danny Lane Enterprise Shopping Mall to order products and services.

Danny Lane is a highly decorated US Marine. He was awarded two Purple Hearts, the Marine Combat Action Medal and numerous other commendations and valor for his service in Vietnam.

His book “Some Gave it All” was a #1 best seller on Amazon. Order the special edition endorsed by Chuck Norris here.
After fifty-five combined years in the military, law enforcement and martial arts Danny developed his own system based on what really works in real combat. His eight-volume series will take you from beginner to advance in a short period of time. His techniques are EASY to LEARN, FAST to COMPREHEND and EFFECTIVE in REAL SITUATIONS.

Danny is a retired police officer and homicide detective. He was awarded the department’s highest bravery award for saving two men trapped in a burning upside-down vehicle. He also wrote “Code of Steel” which cornicles his law enforcement career and his fight against hardened criminals, dirt cops and the mob. It has been optioned as a movie project with Netflix. Order this special autographed edition now!

Danny is a 10th Degree Black Belt Master and holds master’s degrees in seven styles. He is also a master in the Chuck Norris System and has trained with Chuck Norris since 1980. He is a Krav Maga Level #7 Instructor, and former bodyguard to movie stars, entertainers and corporate VIPS. He is President of the World Martial Arts Federation Global.

He and his wife, Gina are private investigators and work high profile criminal and civil cases nationwide. Go to IN THE NEWS to review some of their cases.

Danny is a USE OF FORCE expert and has been disclosed as an expert in numerous murder and excessive force cases nationwide both criminal and civil cases.

We can work cases in all of these states. Tennessee, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, North Carolina, West Virginia and Virginia.
Go to Lane Investigations Now!

He is President of the Police Tactics Instructors of American International. a law enforcement certification agency worldwide with1500 members in 25 countries.

Gina Lane is a certified event and wedding planner. She does corporate, weddings, birthday, anniversaries, and prom events. She has the historic “Victory Barn” in Grayson, KY where you can hold a number of events. Visit her webpage on Canva here.

You can now purchase a SPECIAL EDITION of his newest book release “AMERICAN FIGHTER”! The amazing journey of going from a “Zero to a Hero” during his life as a combat Marine, a street cop, bodyguard and martial arts career and 44-year journey with Chuck Norris.

Contact Danny at DannyLaneBusiness@Gmail.Com if you have any questions.